What to do at SCaLE 21x? Friday edition

Closing out Thursday with the fantastic Kwaai Summit at SCaLE 21x, I’m looking at what is up tomorrow (including my panel) and figured I would share what I’m looking forward to or would be attending if I could.

At 10 am in room 107 is “Shared AI Recipes as Public Innovation Infrastructure“, which I sadly won’t be able to attend (I’m helping setup the Kwaai booth.) The presenter, Sean Blagsvedt, I met recently through the Kwaai project. His vision aligns well with the lessons of Open Source for the value in a shared commons via Open practices.

Another person I’ve met via Kwaai is a Board Member and long time AI researcher, Khai Pham, MD, PhD, and CEO of ThinkingNode Life . He is talking at 11:30 in Ballroom F on “From Machine Learning to Machine Reasoning and why it matters for Life Sciences“.

Coming from another direction, at 2 pm in Ballroom DE is my dear friend Gareth Greenaway, who is giving a talk on “How I Met Your Deployment Plan” as part of DevOpsDay LA. Expect something not unlike a TV show script …

For a workshop to dig into something, one that looks really good and has presenters who know how to teach is “Turn code into real-life stuff with OpenSCAD” with Kyle Davis and my old pal Tom Callaway.

You know that I would be at Corey Quinn’s talk, “Terrible Ideas in Kubernetes”, at 5 pm in Ballroom B if I weren’t scheduled elsewhere. Corey is not only drop-dead funny, he is rather brilliant about the cloud business and all the aspects around it.

Of course, if you want to hear what I have to say, at 5 pm in room 107 you can join me and my co-panelists Stephanie Lieggi and Brittany Istenes at “The OSPO POV—3 experience levels, 1 panel“. We are each with three different levels of experience with starting and running Open Source program offices (OSPOs) and will share about what we’ve learned for the Open Government audience.

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